Why Video Marketing Is So Powerful

09 - May - 2024

There’s never been a better time to use video marketing to engage customers and build brand awareness.

This is not unexpected, given that approximately 70% of consumers would prefer to know about a brand via video rather than reading plain text.  

That’s why over 90% of businesses nowadays use video as a marketing tool. If you are not among those businesses, you are missing out on a lot of things.  

Let’s discuss how powerful social media video marketing is for your brand.  

What is Video Marketing?

what is video marketing

In simple words, video marketing is the process of using videos to advertise your company, products, and services to potential customers.

Additionally, by giving them relevant information in an interesting and engaging way, video marketing can help you grow your client base.

Ten years ago, the bulk of videos on the internet were generally music videos, funny cat videos, and movie trailers, and could be found mostly on YouTube only.

But now, they are everywhere—Instagram reels, Facebook feed, Snapchat streaks—literally everywhere!

Moreover, marketers prioritize videos above everything. Video content can be displayed in a number of ways such as:

  • Product presentation videos

  • Video interviews

  • Commercials

  • Video for social media

  • Testimonials

  • Corporate branding films

  • Tutorials

  • Webinars

Read also: 10 Types of Videos for Businesses

Trends and Statistics in Video Marketing in Dubai, UAE

Videos are a great way for businesses to advertise their products and services, especially on platforms that favor video content like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook.  

Video content is going viral and receiving a ton of views and likes. Plus, an amazingly increasing amount of engagement!

In Dubai, the most popular video based digital marketing trends are as follows:

short videos

  • YouTube Shorts: Videos in portrait format are readily seen on a mobile device. These videos also have a maximum duration of one minute. Thus, you should produce more shorts as a company to advertise your products/services. This way YouTube can help promote your business.  

  • Instagram Reels: Using visually appealing reels on Instagram is a terrific way to draw customers’ attention to your business. For the purpose of advertising the business, companies must keep up with the latest Instagram trends, including popular songs, messages, and other content. The shorter running time of these reels can greatly captivate the viewers.

  • Live-Streaming: One of Dubai’s newest trends in digital marketing is live streaming. Businesses can go live and do product demos, Q&A sessions, and other events using social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Remarkable Benefits of Video Marketing

There's a reason why after a search query, videos appear at the top of the page on major search engines like Google and Yahoo.  

Here’s the reason—before making a purchase, 50% of internet users prefer to watch videos about a company’s product or service.  

Moreover, compared to other content marketing strategies, video content draws considerably more visitors.  

Recent stats show that people are watching more videos as compared to the past, and this trend is here to stay. 

As long as people are demanding more and more video content, video marketing will continue to expand rapidly. 

Here's how video marketing can benefit your business.  

Increased Conversion Rates 

With good reason, videos have grown in popularity as a way for businesses to interact with their audience.  

According to numerous studies, visuals can increase conversion rates and provide a positive return on investment. 

For instance, a recent study claims that adding a video to a landing page can boost conversion rate by as much as 80 percent. 

Videos are a great way for businesses to showcase their products and services since they give the impression that they are physically present.  

Video creation has the power to convey important information and elicit feelings in a way that text or pictures alone would not be able to.  

Thus, using video content strategy on social media handles has shown to be very successful. After all, it’s the era of reels!

A Significant Part of Decision-Making Depends on Videos

video marketing is important

As mentioned earlier, customers actively look for videos regarding the products and services they are considering buying.  

Videos not only educate viewers, but they also help you establish a long-lasting connection with your target audience, which in turn affects their buying decisions.  

Indeed, more than 90% of marketers claim to have effectively converted leads using only social media videos.  

Additionally, more than 60% of customers concur that viewing promotional videos on YouTube, Facebook, and other platforms has improved their decision to buy.  

video marketing is also successful for B2B businesses. More than 60% of buying managers and executives visit a website after viewing a YouTube company video or demo. 

Read also: 15 Ways to Make Corporate Videos More Interesting (And Appealing)

Including Videos Strengthens Your SEO Approach

When you include videos in your brand’s content strategy, you are serving more than just potential customers. In a single stroke, you are also stepping up your SEO efforts.  

Videos are seen by search engines like Google as more valuable and entertaining material for users. As a result, there is a greater chance that your website will appear higher in search engine result pages (SERPs). 

Additionally, videos lengthen user’s stay on your website. When using videos, this can go up to twice as long! 

And search engines want just that!  

Hence, improving the overall SEO performance of your website.  

Better Brand Recognition

It's getting harder for companies to stand out in this cluttered digital market. But video offers marketers a special chance to get their point across.  

Our research marketing specialists conducted a survey and discovered that 85% of consumers would want to watch more brand videos.  

Similarly, 73% of consumers are more inclined to buy a product after watching a video about it. 

It can also have an effect on a brand’s SEO initiatives. This can lead to increased website traffic and brand visibility. 

Gain People's Trust & Establish Your Power

Consumers can develop a sense of trust through videos. When you provide your audience with polished and educational videos, they will view you and your business as a trustworthy source of knowledge, products, and services.  

This helps you establish a deeper connection with your audience and raises brand awareness and even more! 

Read also: Video Editing at Your Fingertips Now: Best Video Editing Apps 


Why is video so important in marketing?

Video plays an important role in marketing as it effectively captures attention and conveys messages in a unique manner. People tend to favor watching videos over reading text as they help businesses showcase their products, services and brand identity with great impact.  
Videos have the power to evoke emotions, foster trust and enhance customer engagement. They can be easily shared on social media platforms, extending their reach and driving conversions. Thus, video enriches marketing strategies by offering engaging content that resonates with the audience’s interest. 

Why is video the future of content marketing?

Video is recognized as the future of content marketing due to its ability to captivate viewers. With advancements in technology, more and more businesses are using video content across platforms. Video provides an immersive experience that enables brands to convey their message.  

The prevalence of social media and mobile usage has made video content highly shareable and accessible. This makes it a potent tool for boosting engagement and brand visibility. Investing in video marketing ensures it stays relevant and competitive in the market. 

Why is content marketing so powerful?

Content marketing is extremely powerful because it delivers information, addresses problems and nurtures relationships with target audiences. Unlike advertising methods that disrupt consumer experiences, content marketing offers helpful material that attracts and engages individuals. 
Businesses build trust and credibility with their audience by sharing insights, engaging stories and useful tips. This trust fosters brand loyalty and drives actions like making purchases or referrals. The power of content marketing lies in its ability to genuinely connect with people and encourage interactions.

How effective are promotional videos?

Promotional videos can be incredibly effective for grabbing attention, communicating messages and prompting action. Compared to text or static images, videos tend to have high engagement levels, and are more likely to be shared on social media platforms.  
They enable businesses to showcase their products, services or brand narratives in a captivating and memorable way. By combining visuals, sound effects and storytelling elements, promotional videos can evoke emotions, raise brand visibility and influence buying decisions. However, their effectiveness depends on factors such as content quality, relevance to the target audience, and the social channels used. 

Why is video so important in digital marketing?

Video holds importance in digital marketing for various reasons. Firstly, it effectively captures more attention than text or images; hence, boosting engagement and retention rates. Secondly, it provides a platform for conveying messages that are concise and visually appealing. 
Videos can be quickly shared on social media platforms expanding brand reach and visibility. Additionally, thanks to the use of smartphones, video content is readily available at any time and place, making it a valuable tool for engaging with audiences on the move. In general, the versatility and impact of video content make it an essential element for digital marketing strategies.

How can video marketing help your business?

Video marketing has a range of benefits for small to large businesses.  

It boosts audience engagement by capturing their attention—more than plain text or images—leading to increased interaction rates.  

It helps in establishing brand recognition and visibility by creating videos that can be easily shared on social media platforms.  

Video content plays an important role in influencing buying decisions by demonstrating products or services in action and emphasizing their advantages. 

Websites featuring video content tend to rank high in SERPs, driving traffic and enhancing visibility.  

Videos enable businesses to showcase their expertise, authenticity and values; thereby building trust and credibility with their target audience. 

Video is a medium for conveying ideas or messages enhancing communication with customers and stakeholders.   

What are the four main purposes of content marketing?

The key goals of content marketing include: 

1- Capturing Attention: Interesting content captivates the audience and draws them in.     

2- Establishing Trust: Offering informative material helps build credibility and trust with the audience.  

3- Encouraging Engagement: Compelling content prompts interaction, comments and sharing boosting audience involvement.  

4- Driving Conversions: Persuasive content motivates audiences to take actions, such as making purchases or subscribing to your products/services. 

Read also: 5 Advantages of Visual Form of Communication

Final Word

With the increasing need for video content, video marketing is emerging as one of the most successful ways to engage customers.  
Video marketing is now a powerful tool for increasing conversions and customer retention rates, going far beyond just increasing brand awareness or engagement.  
Do you want to increase engagement and fascinate your audience? Videos are the way to do it! 
From corporate videos to animated videos, we are experts in video production and marketing. Get in touch with our experts at +971 55 618 8215 and get a free consultation today.